'. U L £ S
1 :; : HAiER !. -NOTYPECQ
JANUARY 1905 |
5-Point No. 18 46 8-Point
5V2-Point No. 1 8 8-Poiut
5i/2-Point No. 2 20 8-Point
5%-Point No. 3 28 9-Point
6-Point German No. 1 84 9-Point
6-Point German No. 3 92 9-Point
6-Point No. 1 10 9-Point
6-Point No. 2 22 9-Point
6-Point No. 3 30 10-Point
6-Point No. 12 38 10-Point
6-Point Old Style No. 1 58 10-Point
6-Point Ronaldson 68 10-Point
7-Point No. 1 12 10-Point
7-Point No. 2 24 10-Point
7-Point No. 3 32 10-Point
7-Point No. 21 50 10-Point
8-Point Cheltenham 52 10-Point
8-Point Elzevir No. 1 78 11-Point
8-Point German No. 1 86 11-Point
8-Point German No. 3 94 11-Point
8-Point Greek 103 11-Point
8-Point Hebrew 100 11-Point
8-Point No. 1 14 11-Point
8-Point No. 2 26 12-Point
8-Point No. 4 34 12-Point
No. 19 48
Old Style No. 1 60
Ronaldson 70
German No. 2 88
Hebrew 101
No. 13 40, 42
Old Style No. 1 62
Ronaldson 72
Cheltenham 54
80 90 96 104 16 44 64
Elzevir No. 1
German No. 2
German No. 3
No. 1
No. 13
Old Style No. 1
Ronaldson 74
German No. 3 98
Hebrew 102
No. 1 18
No. 9 36
Old Style No. 1 66
Ronaldson 76
Cheltenham 56
Elzevir No. 1 . . .82
5y2-Point No. 1 108
5y2-Point No. 1 with Clarendon
No. 1 10G
5V2-Point No. 2 with Bold Face
No. 2
6-Point De Vinne Series with An-
122 252
tique No. 1
6-Point De Vinne Series with An- tique No. 3 240
6-Point German No. 3 with Bold
Face No. 2 262
6-Point No. 1 110
6-Point No. 2 138
6-Point No. 3 142
6-Point No. 12 150
6-Point No. 2 with Antique
No. 2 136
6-Point No. 2 with Bold Face
No. 1 124
6-Point No. 2 with Gothic No. 3 130
6-Point Old Style No. 1 166
6-Point Old Style No. 1 with An- tique No. 1 194
6-Point Ronaldson 180
7-Point Caslon 220
7-Point No. 1 112
7-Point No. 2 with Bold Face
No. 1 126
7-Point No. 2 with Gothic No. 3 132
7-Point Old Style No. 1 168
7-Point Ronaldson 182
8-Point Caslon 222
8-Point Century Expanded 160
8-Point Cheltenham 254
8-Point De Vinne Series 230
8-Point De Vinne Series with An- tique No. 3 242
8-Point No. 8-Point No. 8-Point No.
8-Point German No. 3 with
Face No. 2 264
8-Point No. 1 114
8-Point No. 2 140
8-Point No. 2 with Bold Face
No. 1 128
8-Point No. 2 with Gothic No. 3 134
4 144
19 158
19 with Title No. 1. 156
8-Point Old Style No. 1 170
8-Point Old Style No. 1 with An- tique No. 1 196
8-Point Ronaldson 184
8-Point Ronaldson with Antique
No. 1 204
8-Point Scotch 212
9-Point No. 13 152
9-Point De Vinne Series 232
9-Point De Vinne Series with An- tique No. 3 244
9-Point German No. 3 with Bold
Face No. 2 266
9-Point Old Style No. 1 172
9-Point Ronaldson 186
10-Point Caslon 224
10-Point Century Expanded 162
10-Point Classic 256
10-Point De Vinne Series 234
10-Point De Vinne Series with An- tique No. 3 246
10-Point German No. 3 with Bold
Face No. 2 268
10-Point No. 1 116
10-Point No. 6 146
10-Point No. 13 154
10-Point Old Style No. 1 174
10-Point Old Style No. 1 with An- tique No. 1 198
10-Point Ronaldson 188
10-Point Ronaldson with Antique
No. 1 206
10-Point Scotch 214
11-Point Caslon 226
11-Point De Vinne Series- 236
11-Point De Vinne Series with An- tique No. 3 248
11-Point German No. 3 with Bold
Face No. 2 270
11-Point No. 1 118
11-Point No. 9 148
11-Point Old Style No. 1 176
11-Point Old Style No. 1 with An- tique No. 1 200
11-Point Ronaldson 190
Page 11-Point Ronaldson with Antique
No. 1 208
11-Point Scotch 216
12-Point Caslon 228
12-Point Century Expanded 164
12-Point Classic 258
12-Point De Vinne Series 238
12-Point De Vinne Series with An- tique No. 3 250
12-Point No. 1 12O
12-Point Old Style No. 1 178
12-Point Old Style No. 1 with An- tique No. 1 202
12-Point Original Old Style 260
12-Point Ronaldson 192
12-Point Ronaldson with Antique
No. 1 210
12-Point Scotch 218
5^-Point Bold Face No. 1 358 10-Point
6-Point Clarendon No. 1 274 10-Point
6-Point German Bold Face No. 2 372 10-Point
6-Point Title No. 2 286 10-Point
6-Point Royal Gothic 318 10-Polnt
7-Point Bold Face Italic No. 1.. 344 10-Point
7-Point Doric No. 1 364 10-Point
7-Point Gothic No. 2 304 10-Point
7-Point Gothic No. 4 310 10-Point
8-Point Antique No. 1 348 11-Point
8-Point Celtic No. 1 346 11-Point
8-Point Clarendon No. 1 276 11-Point
8-Point Elzevir Gothic 314 11-Point
8-Point German Bold Face No. 2 374 12-Point
8-Point Gothic No. 3 306 12-Point
8-Point Ionic No. 1 352 12-Point
8-Point Royal Gothic 319 12-Point
8-Point Title No. 1 282 12-Point
8-Point Title No. 2 288 12-Point
9-Point German Bold Face No. 1 370 12-Point
10-Point Antique No. 1 350 12-Point
10-Point Berlin Antique 336 12-Point
10-Point Bold Face No. 1 360 12-Point
10-Point Clarendon No. 1 278 12-Point
10-Point Condensed Antique 322 12-Point
10-Point Condensed Title No. 1 ... 292 12-Point
10-Point Condensed Title No. 2... 296 12-Point
10-Point Doric No. 1 366 12-Point
Elzevir Gothic 316
German Bold Face No. 2 376
Gothic No. 3 308
Ionic No. 1 354
Law Italic 326
Title No. 1 284
Title No. 2 290
Two-line 320
Uniline 332
Doric No. 2 368
German Bold Face No. 2 378
Gothic No. 1 300
Two-line 321
Baskerville Condensed . . . 340
Berlin Antique 338
Bold Face No. 1 362
Caslon Text 356
Cheltenham Bold Face. . . 342
Clarendon No. 1 280
Condensed Antique 324
Condensed Title No. 1 . . 294
Condensed Title No. 2 . . 298
Gothic No. 1 302
Gothic No. 5 312
Law Italic 328
Remington Typewriter... 331
Stenograf Typewriter . . . 330
Uniline . .. 334
5%-Point Bold Face No. 1 with
Bold Face Italic 382
5%-Point Bold Face No. 1 with
8-Point Ionic No. 1 386
5%-Point Bold Face No. 1 with
10-Point Clarendon No. 1 . . 390
7-Point Bold Face No. 1 with
Bold Face Italic 384
8-Point Gothic No. 3 with 10- Polnt Clarendon No. 1 394
8-Point Ionic No. 1 with 10-Point
Clarendon No. 1 392
8-Point Title No. 2 with Title
Italic 388
10-Point Bold Face Italic No. 2
with 10-Point Clarendon
No. 1 396
11-Point Antique No. 3 with De
Vinne Italic 398
14-Point Congressional Italic, Plain
and Cancelled 402
14-Point Congressional Roman,
Plain and Cancelled 400
14-Point No. 36 with Italic and
Small Caps 404
Border Matrices 436-446
Dash Quad Blocks, and Matrix
Slides 447-459
Miscellaneous Part Fonts, etc 425
Rogers Tabular Matrices 407-422
Two-line Agate 321
Two-line Ruby 320
Vertical Slug Table Matrices 423
Directions tor Ordering Supplies
»-v UBLISHERS are earnestly requested to carefully consider their supply orders before placing them. We cannot exchange or give credit for matrices, molds, or other supplies furnished on order, as the labor and expense of testing, inspecting and sorting forbid our doing so. Supplies thus furnished are therefore useless to us if returned.
Customers are cautioned to carefully observe the instructions given below when ordering supplies. By so doing they will avoid mistakes, and save time and trouble.
When ordering matrices use printed Matrix Order Blanks, which we supply free on request.
State plainly name of font and number of face desired, specifying whether fractions are wanted, and if so whether they are to be on an "em" or "en" or "figure" "set," and whether they are to be run in keyboard, pi box, or in special channel.
When ordering sets of caps or lower case matrices, state if a to z only are wanted.
If you are using No. 1 faces with No. 2 table characters, or No. 2 faces with No. 1 table characters, or any other combination of faces, please specify this in your order.
When ordering italics, black faces, or special matrices, always specify whether they are to run pi or in the magazine.
When ordering 1 1 -point Gothic head letter matrices, state whether they are to be used on 9-point or 1 1 -point body.
Matrices for sorting up can be furnished, independent of sets, in any quantities.
If you are in doubt as to the number of the face you are using, send a lower case "n" matrix.
Fractions in German faces are always furnished to run in the pi box.
We carry in stock pine trays to hold a full set of matrices, which will be found very convenient for handling and storing sets of matrices not in actual use. These we supply at $1 each.
Always state plainly how you wish goods shipped — whether by freight, express, or by mail ; and if a special route is desired, name it. Other- wise we shall exercise our judgment.
It is important that supply orders should be sent either to one of the agencies or to the factory direct, not to the General Office, New York.
Remember that unless your order is plain and in accordance with the above instructions, vexatious delays are liable to occur.
Prices of Matrices, Border Characters, etc.
Standard One-letter Sets |
$40 00 66 00 |
Standard Two-letter Sets |
Standard One-letter Sorts |
$0 03 0 04£ |
Standard Two-letter Sorts |
Border Sets (26 in set) |
2 50 |
Border Sorts |
0 10 0 03 0 07 0 01 0 16 up 0 05 0 03 0 03 0 04£ |
Duplicate Character Sorts |
Greek |
Hair Spaces — Sizes .012 to .020 |
Riveted Sorts |
Sectional One-letter Sorts , per Section .... Two-line Sorts |
Vertical Slug One-letter |
Vertical Slug Two-letter |
One and two-letter sets in any face from 5-point to 14-point inclusive, if made up according to standard list, are $40 and $66 respectively per set; if changes are required an additional charge will be made.
DUPLICATE CHARACTER MATRICES are made with identic- ally the same character in both positions and can be used in either upper or lower position in connection with one- and two-letter matrices, with- out shifting the line.
TWO-LINE MATRICES are used principally for initial letters and "ads," casting on the first slug and overhanging the second. They can be used for head lines by casting them on an 11 -point body.
SECTIONAL MATRICES are used for advertising work requiring large figures. The top section casts on the first slug and the bottom on the second; the two complete the character.
VERTICAL SLUG MATRICES have the character punched cross- wise of the matrices and cast it horizontally on the slug, permitting the slug to be turned vertically to produce a column of figures in print.
RIVETED MATRICES represent two or more characters combined to produce a single character, logotype, or word. The charge for this style of matrix is 3 cents for each matrix composing the character and 10 cents additional for riveting. For two-letter the price is 4£ cents for each character and 10 cents for riveting.
HAIR SPACES are very thin spaces, grading in .001 of an inch from .012 to .020. They are similar in shape to the "en" and "em" spaces, but are inserted in the line by hand and automatically returned by the
machine to the quad box. These should not be confounded with the regular thin spaces measuring .028, .031, .035, .0385, .042, and .049.
ACCENTED CAPITALS can be furnished reduced in height to cast on a regular body, or made full height to cast on a larger body, the increased thickness to go on the top of the slug.
Superior and Inferior Figures can be used for extended fractions, foot- notes, powers, etc.
Should you return matrices to us at any time, please see that they are carefully assorted by font, face and character — that is, put all A*$ together, all B's together, etc., of each font. By so doing you will save time and expense, as we invariably charge for this work.
If sets are required to be broken and other characters substituted in place of those regularly supplied, it will be done upon request. There will, however, be a charge of $1 per font for doing this, as it entails extra labor and a second handling, as well as inspection and recounting.
ITALIC / AND g REMODELLED. Attention is called to the re- modelled Italic / shown in the following faces: 6-, 8-, 10-, 11-, and 12-point Old Style No. 1. We are remodelling the Italic / in all of our faces, and as rapidly as completed they will be placed in stock. We are also remodelling the Italic g in our Old Style No. 1 faces. When either of the above is desired it should be specially requested.
BORDER MATRICES, to be assembled in lines and used in any Linotype machine in connection with the ordinary mold, do not demand the use of any extra parts in the machine. Order by number and note that the corner pieces have special numbers. Sets of 26 matrices $2.50 ; single matrices 10 cents.
MATRIX SLIDES, complete in one piece, are used in the machine with the regular mold. One quad block must be had to hold the slides, which are interchangeable and produce rules, dashes, and borders in great variety, in every way as perfect as those of brass. Quad Blocks, 13£ to 30 ems, $2.00; 13 ems and under, $1.75. Matrix Slides, any pattern, 13£ to 30 ems, $1.25; 13 ems and under, $1.00.
SPACEBANDS are now made in three classes — thin, thick, and extra thick. The thin bands present a minimum thickness of .032 of an inch and expand to .095 of an inch. These are for use where very thin spacing is desired, as, for example, in connection with very small faces.
Thick bands present a minimum thickness of .0375 of an inch, and expand to .100 of an inch. These bands are most commonly used and are made for use with one- and two-letter matrices.,
Extra thick bands present a minimum thickness of .047 of an inch, and expand to .147 of an inch. They were especially designed to save hand spacing where large German matrices are used on short newspaper measure, and can also be used with 12-point faces, or where wide spacing is desired.
52-POINT NO. 1,
[ONE-LETTER] Lower case alphabet 16.10 ems
THE MOST ancient materials employed for recording events were bricks, tiles, shells, and tables of stone. The modes of writing on these different substan- ces were various. The tiles and brick were impressed with a stamp when in a soft state; the shells and tablets of stone were etched or graven, the fig- ures or characters being cut in their surface, and in some cases also stained with various colors. It was by the ancient art of stamping that the walls, palaces, and towers of Babylon were covered with hieroglyphics, which have but recently been brought to light from under the immense mounds of Meso- potamia by Layard and other explorers. The patriarch Job, who is supposed to have lived about 2,300 years after the creation, exclaimed, "O that my words were now written! O that they were printed in a book! that they were graven with an iron pen, and hid in the rock forever." Stung with the unjust accusation of his friends, he desires to record his words that the
THE MOST ancient materials employed for record- ing events were bricks, tiles, shells, and tables of stone. The modes of writing on these different substances were various. The tiles and brick were impressed with a stamp when in a soft state; the shells and tablets of stone were etched or graven, the figures or characters being cut in their sur- face, and in some cases also stained with various colors. It was by the ancient art of stamping that the walls, palaces, and towers of Babylon were covered with hieroglyphics, which have but recently been brought to light from under the im- mense mounds of Mesopotamia by Layard and other explorers. The patriarch Job, who is sup- posed to have lived about 2,300 years after the creation, exclaimed, "O that my words were now written! O that they were printed in a book! that they were graven with an iron pen, and hid in the rock forever! " Stung with the unjust ac-
abcdef ghi j klmnopqrstuvwxyz
1234567890 • • : '• • ? ( I ) ' ' * . .. fiflffffiffltb@£$ [ ]
% u % u % % %
Special set table characters. Figures and figure space .046; double
figure space .092; comma, period, and quotations .031. These sizes
will be sent unless otherwise ordered. Substitute table characters for use with this face can be had as follows-
5J4:pomt No. 2.— Figures and en quad .0385; em quad .077 ; comma!
period, and quotations .031. s^-point Clarendon No. i.— Figures
quotation! *TT '°46' ^^^ ^^ SPa°e '°92 '' comma' Period» and
Alignment: This face aligns with all 5^ -point one- and two-letter faces except German.
Will run in all machines. To avoid errors read notice on page five
5J-POINT NO. 1 One-Letter
Small Caps.
y5 % % % ye % %e i * § i 1 1 i 4 § * s s
J/4 % % h k 1 n o nk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ± 2 3 ^ 5 6 7 g
High Cap Accents — These require a special mold.
G 0 Low Cap Accents — Regular mold may be used.
nfin6 660666 fs§uuuiiuuwwyyyyyy2 M M ae CE <E ce § H t t $ " " - « » I II " ^ % f % t / U 3 3 3
+ + — x x -5- = v ' w ° b*#do tn^-owr-^e
1 \ J I f-! L^-A-->--^--y^5? a & c 5 e ft t
[ONE-LETTER] Lower case alphabet 17.01 ems
THE MOST ancient materials employed for recording events were bricks, tiles, shells, and tables of stone. The modes of writing on these different substances were various. The tiles and brick were impressed with a stamp when in a soft state; the shells and tablets of stone were etched or graven, the figures or characters being cut in their surface, and in some cases also stained with various colors. It was by the ancient art of stamping that the walls, palaces, and towers of Babylon were covered with hieroglyphics, which have but recently been brought to light from under the immense mounds of Mesopotamia by Layard and other explorers. The patriarch Job, who is supposed to have lived about 2,300 years after the creation, exclaimed, " O that my words were now written! O that they were printed in a book! that they were graven with an iron pen, and
THE MOST ancient materials employed for re- cording events were bricks, tiles, shells, and tables of stone. The modes of writing on these different substances were various. The tiles and brick were impressed with a stamp when in a soft state; the shells and tablets of stone were etched or graven, the figures or characters being cut in their surface, and in some cases also stained with various colors. It was by the ancient art of stamping that the walls, palaces, and towers of Babylon were covered with hieroglyphics, which have but recently been brought to light from un- der the immense mounds of Mesopotamia by Layard and other explorers. The patriarch Job, who is supposed to have lived about 230
ABCDEPGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
1234567890 I ?< | )*''-—... flflfffflffltt>@£$[]
Vs % % % % % %
Special set table characters. Figures and figure space .050 ; double
figure space .100; comma, period, and quotations .031. These sizes
will be sent unless otherwise ordered. Substitute table characters for use with this face can be had as follows :
6-point Clarendon No. i — Figures and figure space .050 ; double
figure space .100; comma, period, and quotations .031. 6-point No.
2. — Figures and en quad .042; em quad .084; comma, period, and
quotations .031. Alignment: This face aligns with all 6-point one- and two-letter faces.
It will also align with 6-point German No. i. Will run in all machines.
To avoid errors read notice on page five
[ 6-POINT NO. 1 |
V |
One-Letter |
[ |
c |
n |
b |
Small Caps.
ft ft H II if A A A A A H H H H « H H A A A A A ii if ii H 14 II §1 §5 §1 Ii 4 i I i i I i 4 $ i § § I * f * ? * * * ?
High Cap Accents — These require a special mold.
Low Cap Accents — Regular mold may be used. A A AX A A A A Q fi fi fi fi E £ f 1 1 1 1 1 L N 6 6 6 5 6 6 0 tjr Small Cap Accents.
cm nk ns rv • abcdefgbl Jklmnopqrituvwxjri abcdefgh! Jklmnopqrstuvwxyz + _ 1234567890
aeCE(Eoe___ .......... | § H || t
%o%%% + + -xX^- = =
V .'.'.'"' ° '" 5 ^ * s #• tt b ti A C -:
Duplicate Character Figures. (Small Cap Size).
; I f()''iift'ffininn^$^cB(
High Cap Accents — These require a special mold.
A Q £ f $ 6 0 fi
Low Cap Accents — Regular mold may be used.
I i
Lower case alphabet 15.63 ems
THE MOST ancient materials employed for recording events were bricks, tiles, shells, and tables of stone. The modes of writing on these different substances were various. The tiles and brick were impressed with a stamp when in a soft state; the shells and tablets of stone were etched or graven, the figures or characters being cut in their surface, and in some cases also stained with various colors. It was by the ancient art of stamping that the walls, palaces, and towers of Babylon were covered with hiero- glyphics, which have but recently been brought to light from under the immense mounds of Mesopotamia by Layard and other explorers. The patriarch Job, who is supposed to have lived about 2,300 years after the creation, exclaimed, "O that my
THE MOST ancient materials employed for recording events were bricks, tiles, shells. and tables of stone. The modes of writing on these different substances were various. The tiles and brick were impressed with a stamp when in a soft state; the shells and tablets of stone were etched or graven, the figures or characters being cut in their sur- face, and in some cases also stained with various colors. It was by the ancient art of stamping that the walls, palaces, and towers of Babylon were covered with hie- roglyphics, which have but recently been brought to light from under the immense mounds of Mesopotamia by Layard and other explorers. The patriarch Job, who is
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
,.:;!?(])*"-—... fiflffffiffllb® £ $ [ ]
Special set table characters. Figures and figure space .059; double
figure space .118; comma, period, and quotations .031. These sizes
will be sent unless otherwise ordered. Substitute table characters for use with this face can be had as follows :
7-point No. 2. — Figures and en quad .049 ; em quad .098 ; comma,
period, and quotations .031. Alignment: This face aligns with all 7-point one- and two-letter faces
except German. Will run in all machines.
To avo:d errors read notice on page five
7-POINT NO. 1 One-Letter
Small Caps.
6 cm nk ns rv • abcdefghl Jklmnopqr.tuvwxy.^^, jklmnopqrstuvwxyz + _ x < > []
% % y5 % % % % % * i I i f t I * f t f i I t f M & se CE OE oe
Low Cap Accents — Regular mold may be used.
Small Cap Accents.
V " ' ° * tf b
+ V -TT „ : /\ _
-X- J A ® A •"•
I Ml ^— r- '/ — ^
[ONE-LETTER] Lower case alphabet 14.71 ems
THE MOST ancient materials employed for recording events were bricks, tiles, shells, and tables of stone. The modes of writing on these different substances were various. The tiles and brick were impressed with a stamp when in a soft state; the shells and tablets of stone were etched or graven, the figures or characters being cut in their surface, and in some cases also stained with various colors. It was by the ancient art of stamping that the walls, palaces, and towers of Babylon were covered with hieroglyphics, which have but recently been brought to light from under the immense mounds of Mesopotamia by Layard and other explorers.
THE MOST ancient materials employed for recording events were bricks, tiles, shells, and tables of stone. The modes of writing on these different substances were various. The tiles and brick were impressed with a stamp when in a soft state; the shells and tablets of stone were etched or graven, the figures or characters being cut in their surface, and in some cases also stained with various colors. It was by the ancient art of stamping that the walls, palaces, and towers of Babylon were covered with hieroglyphics, which have but recently
1234567890 ,.:;!?(|)*'' --- . .. flflfffflffllb@£$[]
Special set table characters. Figures and figure space .059 ; double figure space .118; comma, period, and quotations .031. These sizes will be sent unless otherwise ordered.
Substitute table characters for use with this face can be had as follows: 8-point No. 2. — Figures and en quad .056; em quad .112; comma, period, and quotations .031. 8-point Clarendon No. i. — Figures and figure space .059; double figure space .118; comma, period, and quotations .0295.
Alignment: This face aligns with all 8-point one- and two-letter faces having high alignment except German.
Will run in all machines.
To avoid errors read notice on page five
8-POLNT NO. 1 One-Letter
cm nk ns rv ' + abcdefghl Jklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghl]klmnopqr
1234567890 abcdefgJiijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234
A 3^ A ii ii ii ii II §i §1 II §i ii §4 ttUttntif itUHf tf I
High Cap Accents — These require a special mold. CDfifififi^il3LE^N60o00^§§t
Low Cap Accents — Regular mold may be used.
Small Cap Accents.
Duplicate Character Figures. (Small Cap Size) 1234567890
3>M M:MM
J J J i = J Q Miss Mrs Box 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910
*2N*^\\ :--H- .'.*.' V
J I f U | N I1 -- A-V-'I*-* --- » ABCDEFaHIJKLHNOPQRSTUVWXYZd 12345 abcdefgMjklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 ,:;!?()'' ftflffffiffllb£$3i](e(Eceit1*
Low Cap Accents — Regular mold may be used.
AAAAAQtititiElll 1X60000 V V V V
10-POINT NO. 1
[ONE-LETTER] Lower case alphabet 13.63 ems
THE MOST ancient materials employed for recording events were bricks, tiles, shells, and tables of stone. The modes of writing on these different substances were various. The tiles and brick were impressed with a stamp when in a soft state; the shells and tablets of stone were etched or graven, the figures or characters being cut in their surface, and in some cases also stained with various colors. It was by the ancient art of stamping that the walls, palaces,
THE MOST ancient materials used for recording events were bricks, tiles, shells, and tables of stone. The modes of writing on these dif- ferent substances were various. The tiles and brick were impressed with a stamp when in a soft state; the shells and tablets of stone were etched or graven, the figures or characters being cut in their surface and in some cases stained with various colors. It was by
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ& abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
,.:;!?(!)*''- -...fiflffffiffilb@$£[]
Vs % % % % % %
True set table characters. Figures and en quad .070; em quad 140;
comma, period, and quotations .035. These sizes will be sent unless
otherwise ordered. Substitute table characters for use with this face can be had as follows :
lo-point No. 13. — Figures and en quad .070; em quad 140; comma,
period, and quotations .035. lo-point Clarendon No. i. — Figures
and en quad .070; em quad 140; comma, period, and quotations
.035- Alignment: This face aligns with all lo-point one- and two-letter faces
except German. Will run in all machines.
To avoid errors read notice on page five
16 "
10-POINT NO. 1 One-Letter
aeo()+-x>- abcdefghljklmnopqrstuvwXyZabcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz ( , „. 1234567890 atcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdemijklmnopqrstuvwxy!y 1234567890
•% % Vs % % % Ve % A T2TT T3? A T% A A A A A A
A A A A T7* A A if 44 A A A A A 44 41 if A A A A A 44 42 42 H 42 f 4 il A A A A A 44 if 4f 4i 4f §4 If §f H if M 4414fi*414«i4f4***fl
High Cap Accents — These require a special mold.
Low Cap Accents — Regular mold may be used.
AAAAA4CCg£>fi££EEtllItLE « S 0 0 0 5 0 0 ft & fl S f tr tr t3r tJ tT f 2 2 2
Small Caps. AAAAg BBEBfiliN6660TjtyijtJ
& & A ft ft & ft § 6 5 $ d 6 6 6 § 6 § § i i 1 I I 1 J I 6 ji fi 6 d 6 S 6 6 6 0 f f 6 8 t ti tl ft tl tt ftfi ^^zz
^B as 88 CE GB ce _ __ ............... § If || f t " " „ " « » « » - i 6
® < >
©([ 6 <9 * ft Box Miss MR I III I
12345 abcdef gJiijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 ! f ' ' fi fl ff ffi ffl 'm at (E ce Tb /
Low Cap Accents — Regular mold may be used.
ll-POINT NO. 1
Lower case alphabet 13.53 ems
THE MOST ancient materials employed for re- cording events were bricks, tiles, shells, and tables of stone. The modes of writing on these different substances were various. The tiles and brick were impressed with a stamp when in a soft state; the shells and tablets of stone were etched or graven, the figures or characters be- ing cut in their surface, and in some cases also stained with various colors. It was by the an- cient art of stamping that the walls, palaces,
THE MOST ancient materials used for recording events were bricks, tiles, shells, and tables of stone. The tiles and brick were impressed with a stamp when in a soft state; the shells and tablets of stone were etched or graven, the figures or characters being cut in their surface, and in some cases also stained with various colors. It was by the ancient
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
:;T?(|)*<>___... fiflffmffllb@£$[]
True set table characters. Figures and en quad .077; em quad .154;
comma, period, and quotations .0385. These sizes will be sent unless
otherwise ordered. Alignment: This face aligns with all u -point one- and two-letter faces
except German. It also aligns on top with s-point No. 18. Will run in all machines.
To avoid errors read notice on page five 18
ll-POINT NO. 1 One-Letter
1234567890, *()+-x abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
1234567890[] Superior : abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
% % % % % y5 Ve % i i t i 1 1 H I * 1 1 1 4 «
High Cap Accents — These require a special mold.
A A g L O 0
Low Cap Accents — Regular mold may be used.
A A A A A A l* i^ i^ /"^ "^ TJ^ T7^ T7^ I T T T XA XA jC\- x-L ^A v_y \-J \~J \J r^ r1^ X-j -Cj -L -L A JL
mmnnn666666 66o0ooof s
. O 2 j
12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwtfyz 67890
, : ; ! ? ( ) ' > fi ft ff ffl ffl M w CE OB If) $ £ ; i
Low Cap Accents — Regular mold may be used.
AAAAAQtifi £ E n tlfi 6 666 6$ l) 0 U daaaageeeegili'in 60 6 6 6 u u u u
5^-POINT NO. 2.
Lower case alphabet 17.03 ems
THE MOST ancient materials employed for recording events were bricks, tiles, shells, and tables of stone. The modes of writing on these different substances were various. The tiles, and bricks were impressed with a stamp when in a soft state; the shells and tablets of stone were etched or graven, the figures or characters being cut in their surface, and in some cases also stained with various colors. It was by the ancient act of stamping that the walls, palaces, and towers of Babylon were covered with hieroglyphics, which have but recently been brought to light from under the immense mounds of Mesopotamia by Layard and other explorers. The patriarch Job, who is supposed to have lived about 2,300 years after the creation, exclaimed, "O that my words were now written! O that they were printed in a book! that they were graven with an iron pen, and hidden in the rock forever!" Stung with the unjust accusation
THE MOST ancient materials employed for record- ing events were bricks, tiles, shells, and tables of stone. The modes of writing on these differ- ent substances were various. The tiles and brick were impressed with a stamp when in a soft state; the shells and tablets of stone were etched or graven, the figures or characters being cut in their surf ace, and in some cases also stained with various colors. It was by the ancient art of stamping that the walls, palaces, and towers of Babylon were covered with hieroglyphics, which have but recently been brought to light from un- der the immense mounds of Mesopotamia by Lay- ard and other explorers. The patriarch Job, who is supposed to have lived about 2,300 years after the creation, exclaimed, "O that my words were now written! O that they were printed in a book! that they were graven with an iron pen, and hid in the rock forever! Stung with the
;!?(!)''* ... flflffffiffl Ib @ £ $ [ ]
% & % % % % %
True set table characters. Figures and en quad .0385 ; em quad .077 ;
comma, period, and quotations .031. These sizes will be sent unless
otherwise ordered. Substitute table characters for use with this face can be had as follows:
5^ -point No. i. — Figures and figure space .046; double figure space
.092; comma, period, and quotations .031. s^-point Clarendon No.
i. — Figures and figure space .046; double figure space .092; comma,
period, and quotations .031. Alignment: This face aligns with all 5 l/t -point one- and two-letter faces
except German. Will run in all machines.
To avoid errors read notice on page five
5^-POINT NO. 2 One-Letter
Small Caps.
% Vs % % % % % I \ I I i 1 i 5 § g i I t J
% % % i i * h k n ' 1 2 3 4 5 « 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? g „ fl n
High Caps.
0 Low Caps — Regular mold may be used.
§fltt$""-«» I
I f-1
Lower case alphabet 17.62 ems
THE MOST ancient materials used for recording events were bricks, tiles, shells, and tables of stone. The modes of writing on these different substances were various. The tiles and brick were impressed with a stamp when in a soft state; the shells and tablets of stone were etched or graven, the figures or char- acters being cut in their surface, and in some cases also stained with various colors. It was by the ancient art of stamping that the walls, palaces, and towers of Babylon were covered with hieroglyphics, which have but recently been brought to light from under the immense mounds of Mesopotamia by Layard and other explorers. The patriarch Job, who is supposed to have lived about 2,300 years after the creation, exclaimed, "O that my words were now written! O that they were printed in a book!
THE MOST ancient materials employed for recording events were bricks, tiles, shells, and tables of stone. The modes of writing on these different substances were various. The tiles and brick were impressed with a stamp when in a soft state; the shells and tablets of stone were etched or graven, the figures or characters being